Tips & Tricks for the entire production process

General overview

Nothing is more wasteful than slapping a video onto a digital platform and expecting eyeballs to watch it.

A video is a tool, and it deserves to be marketed in the right way.

Learn more about the process HERE.


Interviews are uncomfortable. It's like talking to a wall, except the wall is your prom date and you both have braces.

However, interviews are often the backbone of a good story. We've gathered notes from interviews we shot over the past couple of years, in an effort to make everything go as smooth as possible.

Learn more about Interview Guidelines HERE.

4K / 6K Resolution

We hate math - numbers are scary to us. Chances are, when you hear 3840 x 2160 it sounds like something your math teacher gave you in detention, without a calculator.

However we’ve all heard the term “4K TV” and that doesn’t give us nightmares. Here’s a quick explanation on resolutions when determining the shelf life and application of a video.

 Production Resources

Points of Interest, Crew, Rentals, AND Locations along the Florida panhandle

We assist any productions looking to crew up, rent gear, or source locations. VXEL MEDIA keeps a network list of local talent, and everyone we’ve worked alongside.

We’re equipped with a production cart and trailer that we use on larger projects. Please contact us for more info.



Pre-Production | Production | Post Production